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The academic year begin in early September. At the end of their 4th undergraduate year study at UW-Madison (typically in the middle of May), these students will return to their home universities to obtain their Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees from those universities. The international universities should arrange to count the credits the students earned at the UW-Madison toward their degrees. If a student thesis is required by the international university, the VISP student is expected to choose a faculty member at his/her home university who will supervise the thesis work during the students year at VISP.During their VISP year, students will be advised on academic matters and their progress monitored by the Department of Statistics, UW-Madison, in conjunction with other general advising provided by the Department of Continuing Studies, UW-Madison. In the spring semester of their 4th undergraduate year at the UW-Madison, students who meet the admission criteria set forth by the Graduate School and Department of Statistics, UW-Madison may apply for admission to the UW-Madison Graduate School to continue their studies for the Master of Science (MS) degree of Statistics in a new option Data Science with the objective to earn the MS degree within in one academic year (two semesters) following their 4th undergraduate year. Students in the VISP or VISP+MS program are expected to pay their tuition, travel and all living expenses. For more information, please see Tuition and Living Expenses below.Admission RequirementsAdmission to the 4th undergraduate year at VISP in statistics at UW-Madison requires students to have completed, by the end of their 3rd undergraduate year: three semesters of calculus, equivalent to (see HYPERLINK "http://www.math.wisc.edu/UCourses"http://www.math.wisc.edu/UCourses) Math 221-222-234; one semester of linear algebra equivalent to Math 340 or 341; one semester of mathematical analysis, equivalent to theory of single variable calculus (Math 421) or advanced calculus (Math 521); and (ideally) a two-semester sequence of probability and statistics, equivalent to Math/Stat 309-310. Students must obtain TOEFL scores of 85 or higher to enter the program. Admission to the Data Science option of the MS degree in Statistics at UW-Madison, requires completion of 24 credits in their 4th undergraduate year as VISP students with GPA at least 3.0. Admission is also conditional upon the student receiving a BS degree from his/her home international university before the fall semester begins.Administrative Structure for VISPOne faculty liaison member from each international university has duties including: advertising the VISP+MS to attract students;working with their university administrations on mechanics of the program; identifying a list of potential VISP+MS students by March 1 of each year;providing feedback to the Joint Liaison Committee.There will be a Joint Liaison Committee consisting of a Chair and two members from the faculty of the Department of Statistics, UW-Madison, and the faculty liaison members in the international universities. The Joint Liaison Committee will be responsible for selecting the VISP students. The final decision for admission of VISP students will be made jointly by the Division of Continuing Studies and Department of Statistics, UW-Madison.The Division of Continuing Studies and Department of Statistics, UW-Madison will also be responsible for assisting student visa application, providing an orientation, and arranging appropriate support contacts to students upon arrival at UW-Madison. The Chair of the Joint Liaison Committee will coordinate advising for the VISP students.Application Procedure for VISP+MSStudents who are interested in the VISP+MS in statistics at UW-Madison should first submit their applications to the faculty liaison in their home university by January 10 of their 3rd undergraduate year. The following must be included in the application:A personal statement indicating reason to apply plus longer term education/career goals.An electronic scan of official student college transcript(s) plus English translation.An electronic scan of TOEFL score or a schedule of taking TOEFL with electronic scan of exam results available by March 1 (see TOEFL information at HYPERLINK "http://www.ets.org/toefl"http://www.ets.org/toefl or HYPERLINK "http://toefl.etest.net.cn/"http://toefl.etest.net.cn/.)The Joint Liaison Committee will inform students who are selected for the VISP by mid-March. The selected students must apply for admission through VISP portal at HYPERLINK "http://continuingstudies.wisc.edu/visp/applyvisp.htm"http://continuingstudies.wisc.edu/visp/applyvisp.htm . Students must mention in their personal statement that they are in the  VISP Stat Cohort .After students are officially admitted the VISP Cohort Coordinator will email students further information about course enrollment and housing resources thereafter. Tuition and Living ExpensesFor the 2013-14 academic year, the UW-Madison tuition is $26,654 (US dollars) for a VISP student and $25,188 for a nonresident graduate student in MS program. Although the actual cost of living may vary from person to person, the official estimated living expense at UW-Madison for the 2013-14 academic year (9 months) is $15,633 (US dollars). In order to successfully obtain their visas, selected students will need to provide electronic scans of their passport ID page plus a detailed financial document showing that they have enough financial resources for the combined amounts of tuition and living expenses ($42,287 for the VISP year or $40,827 for the MS year). The financial document can be a scholarship letter, personal bank statement, or bank statement from a relative.Expected VISP Course RequirementsThe required coursework for Statistics VISP is 24 credits, including a 2-semester mathematical statistics sequence (6 cr), a 2-semester statistical methods sequence (6 cr), a course on network skills and data discovery (3 cr), plus 9 elective credits (typically Stat courses numbered above 300, but not including introductory courses). Specific courses will be decided with the UW-Madison advisor.st ( ) m n M Q  "89:nǾ䶲䡕vh.bhD5PJ^Jh.bPJ^Jh.bh2_PJ^Jh.bhDH*PJ^Jh.bhDPJ^J hD0Jh&sjh&sUh2_H*PJ^Jh#h2_H*PJ^Jh2_PJ^JhD5PJ^JhDPJ^J hD^JhD5CJ PJ^JaJ ,>st K= & Fdd & Fdd  & FddV & FddVgd.b  & FddV  & FddVddV $ddVa$$dda$.0uv?R_$%%/HS2136t̪hM~PJ^JnHo(tHhM~PJ^JhPJ^Jhj$PJ^JnHo(tH hD^J hD^JhD5PJ^Jhj$PJ^Jh2_PJ^J hD0Jh&sjh&sUhDPJ^JhDH*PJ^J623! = !L#n#$$$%gdqddV  & FddV & FddVgdj$  & FddV  & FddVddV  & FddV  & FddV )78H\_wxN[246:.>BûûϤϻϏoeoeoeohj$B*^Jph"hj$B*PJ^JnHo(phtHhj$hD5PJ\^JhD5PJ\^JhD hD0Jhj$PJ^JnHo(tH heyd0Jh&sjh&sUheydheydPJ^JhDPJ^JhM~PJ^JnHo(tHhM~PJ^JhPJ^JhM~PJ^JnHtH'  ! = !!!!""":"o"u""L#a#m#n#$$$µ­••‹xiYMEAhX^"jhX^"UhDB*PJ^Jphhl`.hD5PJ^JnHtHhl`.5PJ^JnHo(tHhl`.5PJ^JhxvB*^JphhDB*^JphhD5PJ\^JhxvPJ^JnHo(tHhxvPJ^Jhj$PJ^JnHo(tHhDPJ^JhD5PJ^Jhj$hj$5B*\^Jph"hj$B*PJ^JnHo(phtHhj$B*^Jph$%%%%% % %hDB*PJ^JphhX^"jhX^"U%%%%%% % %ddVgdq80p1:p&s/ =!n"n#n$n% b 666666666vvvvvvvvv66666686666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~PJ_HmH nHsH tHH`H &scke*$$CJKHPJ^J_H9aJmH sH tH9v "v &sh 1+Px*$1$@&^`P'5CJ0KHPJ^J_H9aJmH sH tH9v "v &sh 2+@@hP*$1$@&^@`'5CJ$KHPJ^J_H9aJmH sH tH9v "v &sh 3+0P*$1$@&^`0'5CJKHPJ^J_H9aJmH sH tH9v "v &sh 4+``(*$1$@&^``'5CJKHPJ^J_H9aJmH sH tH9v "v &sh 5+(*$1$@&^`'5CJKHPJ^J_H9aJmH sH tH9r "r &sh 6+(*$1$@&^`#5KHPJ^J_H9aJmH sH tH9$A`$ ؞k=W[SOBiB 0nfh*B*phF"F &sHeading$xCJOJQJaJ(B@"( &sckee,gx /!2 &sRh2"B2 &sl $xx6]*R* &sIndex $RobR &snormal*$1$$CJKHPJ^J_H9aJmH sH tH9:>a: &shxa$5CJH\aJ$VJa"V &soRhhPa$'6B*CJ0OJ PJ QJ ]^J aJphfffToT &sNormal1*$1$$CJKHPJ^J_H9aJmH sH tH9RR q0u w'$9r &dG$Pa$ CJ^J aJB/B q0u w CharCJKHPJ^J _H9aJtH9: : q0u9r G$ CJ^J aJB/B q0u CharCJKHPJ^J _H9aJtH9PK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛KY,e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7fW+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD-dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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