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The analyst may support one of the specific business areas, including marketing, risk management, customer services, and banking, etc. RESPONSIBILTIESBe responsible for data preparation, including sampling, data pulling, aggregation, and other data preparation treatments.Develop predictive models that meet business objectives, requirements, and timelines.Perform simulations and general ad-hoc analyses to provide insights for strategy design, evaluation and testing. Communicate project results to US business partners and management in a clear and effective manner.Work closely with business partners to implement models and decision strategies.Document project results, address project issues and answer questions from business partnersProvide input and consultation to business partners on various statistical, technical, data or business issues.Identify and share programming knowledge and organizational expertise for efficient and effective execution of project tasks. Engage in continuous learning to maintain a high level of competency in statistical and analytical principles, tools, and techniques.MINIMUM REQUIREMENTSMasters degree in a quantitative analysis field such as Engineering, Science, Econometrics, Computer Science, Statistics, Management Science, or Finance. Strong interest in using data for business insight.Ability in learning and applying analytical skills for business analysis, strong programming skills is a plus.Familiarity with statistical and analytical tools. Excellent English communication (both oral and written) and interpersonal skills. For more information and to apply, please visit www.dfs-shanghai.com.  !#$34D^_ghik  ĺxof\SJSJh:!h)BCJh:!hCJh:!h5\hhCJhh83CJh:!hH>*hhH>* hhHh,6h835h,6hH5h:!hH5h:!hH5>*h@h@CJh@h@>*CJhh83 h:!h1h:!h1>*CJh:!h;CJ h83CJh:!hCJh:!h>*CJ4_t u  F & FEƀ{&gd@$a$gdj  7 8 L M d e f o {  % & ' L M _ a e r s t u z {   % U W i j k Ļh:!h{WCJh:!h5\hh;CJhhCJ h:!h hrlCJh:!h)BCJ hjCJ hGOCJh:!h83CJh:!hGOCJ h83CJ hCJh:!hU!CJh:!hCJ6 W - q*F & FEƀ{&F & FEƀ{&F & FEƀ{& d | } %C@ARTjyz}9:S[\fgmȵȩӈyyh:!h83CJ h83CJ hGOCJh:!hOCJh:!h)BCJh:!h;CJh:!h5CJ\h:!hOCJaJhCJaJh:!hCJaJ hx)CJh:!hU!CJ hCJh:!hNfCJ hNfCJh:!hCJ/- ~ Kq*F & FEƀ{& F & FEƀ{&F & FEƀ{&KRSTij;qoomo``` & Fh^hF & FEƀ{& F & FEƀ{&  012bwxyz{|}~ȹs`M:4 hjCJ$jhqh` 3<CJPJUaJ$jThqh` 3<CJPJUaJ$jhqh` 3<CJPJUaJ$j0hqh` 3<CJPJUaJ$jhqh` 3<CJPJUaJ$jhqh` 3<CJPJUaJh@h83>*B*phfh@h@>*B*CJphfh@h@>*B*phfhj hCJ hCJhhCJh:!h;CJh:!hCJ1xgd?gdW & Fh^h & Fh^hgd,1h/ =!"#$% Dd F  3 "@@Dd R  3 bullet"@@Dd F  3 "@@Dd F  3 "@@Dd R  3 bullet"@@Dd F  3 "@@@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH >@> Heading 1$@& 5CJ\F@F Heading 2$@& 5CJ\DA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List >>@> Title$a$ 5CJ\DJ@D Subtitle$a$ 5CJ\HH 1 Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJHO!H jjobdescitemtitle1CJaJph2#FO1F jjobdescitemcopy1CJaJph6U@A6 83 Hyperlink >*B*ph &4_tuW-~KRSTij;1x0000404000000u 0u 0u 0u 0u 0u 0u 0u 0u 0u0u0u00T 0T 0T 0T 0T 0T001_tuW-RSTij;1xh0000 0000h000000000000 00h00000000PJ0000000000 h000000h00h00h00   - K  8@0(  B S  ?_PictureBulletsx~llD#lD^ l[ l#$$.,33B*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace x~x~3^_Tj2~x~C-29 8̽F?4Ԏ'e@#4+jk.Rr2v&7iI5acU7a}Nе\WC]jjk*.9a xt~3Q{a^`CJOJQJo(hH^`CJOJQJo(hHpp^p`CJOJQJo(hH@ @ ^@ `CJOJQJo(^`CJOJQJo(^`CJOJQJo(^`CJOJQJo(^`CJOJQJo(PP^P`CJOJQJo(hhh^h`.h88^8`.hL^`L.h  ^ `.h  ^ `.hxLx^x`L.hHH^H`.h^`.hL^`L.h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh pp^p`OJQJo(h @ @ ^@ `OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh PP^P`OJQJo(h^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohpp^p`OJQJo(hHh@ @ ^@ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohPP^P`OJQJo(hH ^`OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo("  pp^p`OJQJo("  @ @ ^@ `OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo("  PP^P`OJQJo(" hhh^h`.h88^8`.hL^`L.h  ^ `.h  ^ `.hxLx^x`L.hHH^H`.h^`.hL^`L.hhh^h`CJOJQJo(h88^8`.hL^`L.h  ^ `.h  ^ `.hxLx^x`L.hHH^H`.h^`.hL^`L.h hh^h`OJQJo(h88^8`.hL^`L.h  ^ `.h  ^ `.hxLx^x`L.hHH^H`.h^`.hL^`L.^`CJOJQJo(hH^`CJOJQJo(hHpp^p`CJOJQJo(hH@ @ ^@ `CJOJQJo(^`CJOJQJo(^`CJOJQJo(^`CJOJQJo(^`CJOJQJo(PP^P`CJOJQJo(h^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohpp^p`OJQJo(hHh@ @ ^@ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohPP^P`OJQJo(hH ^`OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo("  pp^p`OJQJo("  @ @ ^@ `OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo("  PP^P`OJQJo("  ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o pp^p`OJQJo( @ @ ^@ `OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo( ^`OJQJo(o PP^P`OJQJo(hhh^h`.h88^8`.hL^`L.h  ^ `.h  ^ `.hxLx^x`L.hHH^H`.h^`.hL^`L.r2 8~3Q{7iI5cU7N9a x?4e@#\W]jjk.C-}N                           ,j򉰜@Դj/jd&         =                          |,"\.Vnln-"*0 x`^T<:                  6RY8 RYdPO.]OwAADl;r;Vr;^:8 `3 T9 t4#r;T9_[r;tZ=tZ=~Dr;wAADdPO3`It*Qr;"QT9Qs;o     MWT9@WT9_[+[T93`^:s;o.]OtYvT9{r;+*/NfT4vR:!{3!U!*` 3@7;$Aa5E&KGO2S{Wrlmo83c@=;H'?x),6EWS)BQwej1O_w@ @Unknown Haiyan HuangGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial;SimSun[SO5& zaTahoma?5 z Courier New;Wingdings"1h5'5' |&D;D;4d{{ 2QHX ?x{3!2TITLE Vincent Hemxu002@         Oh+'0  4 @ LXdlt|TITLE Vincent HeNormalmxu0022Microsoft Office Word@F#@"[@~F\1@~F\1D;՜.+,0 hp  Discover Financial Services{' TITLE Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789;<=>?@ACDEFGHILRoot Entry Ff1NData 1Table;WordDocument.&SummaryInformation(:DocumentSummaryInformation8BCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q